Being Intentional in 2024


As another year comes to a close and a new one opens before us, many of us find ourselves grappling with much that seems beyond our control: savage international conflict and the seemingly non-stop ravages of the climate crisis to high prices at the grocery and gas pump. “Affordable housing” has become an  oxymoron. Many of us are still settling down after the tumult created by the pandemic. Against this backdrop, the normal changes that just go with life: births, deaths, and everything in between call on our deepest resources.

If you’re like many people, setting New Year's resolutions is one more thing to do on an already long to-do list—and results in more things to do.

The YMCA Health and Life Coaching Program has a few thoughts to share to help ease the transition into yet another year:

PAUSE:  Slow down, breathe. Soon the sympathetic nervous system (breath rate, heart rate) gets the message and slows down and the parasympathetic nervous system (digestion, elimination) improves its performance. Slowing down lowers the ‘noise’ in your system allowing your natural resources (ideas, imagination, inspiration, feelings) to emerge and assist you in the moment with whatever you are dealing with.

REFLECT: Look back on 2023 and remember the moments in which you felt fully alive, in which you lit up. What was it about those moments? And what do they say about what you value, what is important to you.  

For example, if a shining moment for  you came when your idea at work helped your team move forward, you might realize you are someone who values being helpful, or who enjoys being creative and inspirational.

Maybe it was a beautiful sunset while on vacation or the feel of your grandchild’s hand in yours. What does it say about what you want more of in the coming year?

SET INTENTIONS: Rather than have goals which put satisfaction in the future and narrow your focus, ask yourself what you intend to create, who you intend to be, how you want to show up in 2024.  Using the above example, maybe set an intention to show up every day at work looking for creative solutions rather than focus on problems. Maybe you intend to daily have more natural beauty in your life (sunset) or to be a regular source of trust and care for others (grandchild's hand).

The Health and Life Coaching Program at Whatcom Family YMCA would like to support you in living more fully in 2024. Visit ‘Programs’ on this website and click on ‘Health and Life Coaching’ to learn more about health and life coaching. Click on the Coaches link to make an appointment.