Living Intentionally In 2024 Workshop


In this interactive, 1 hour YMCA Healthy Living workshop based on the principles of life coaching, participants learn the value of setting intentions and how intentions might work better for them than goals or resolutions as they move forward into 2024.

During guided exercises led by two certified Life Coaches, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on what they value and what’s important to each of them. Based on this reflection, participants will become clearer about what they want to experience in 2024 and identify the resources to do that.

When: February 21, 5:45pm to 6:45pm
Where: Bellingham Downtown Public Library, SkillShare Space
Who: Adults interested in improving their lives through acquisition of life skills and tools based on professional life coaching practice.
Cost: Free! Register by emailing Karrie Inman at, or by phone at 360 255 0646.